Be A Part of ABWF’s Future
A meaningful way to honor and sustain a charity that’s important to you is including the organization in your will or with another type of planned gift. By supporting the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Foundation in this way, you can ensure that your love for the A-B Wilderness lives on.
Charitable Bequests
You can support the ABWF mission far into the future by adding a bequest to your will or living trust. This type of gift will not affect your current lifestyle, and is fully deductible for estate tax purposes. There is no minimum amount and you can change your beneficiaries at any time.
Following is an example of language you can use in your will:
“I give and bequeath to the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Foundation (ABWF), a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Montana, mailing address P. O. Box 392, Red Lodge, MT 59068, and tax identification number EIN: 32-0320146, the sum of $______ or _____percent of my estate for the unrestricted use and purpose of the ABWF.”
And that’s it! You can do so confidentially between you and your attorney: we do not have to be involved. But we would also like to acknowledge your generosity, whether publicly or privately as you prefer. If you would like to discuss your plans, please contact us at (406) 445-3037 or [email protected].
Other Types of Planned Gifts
There are a variety of other types of planned gifts that are of great help to us and can also help you leave a lasting charitable legacy. These include Charitable Remainder Trusts, IRA Rollover gifts, and others. Gifts of stock are another good way to contribute to the ABWF. Please contact your financial planner to see if these types of gifts are right for you. In the right situation, planned gifts can help you save on your taxes, avoid capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets, and plan and save for the future.
The information given here is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may affect your results.