Join us this summer on a series of interpretive hikes led by local experts throughout the A-B. Hear from geologists, ethnobotanists, miners, and fire ecologists, and explore a topic while hiking a relevant trail. Hikes are FREE, but you do need to sign up below to reserve a spot
2024 Educational Hikes
Floods, Fire & Fish with Ashley Brubaker
A Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Conservation
Saturday, July 13th – 9:00am to mid afternoon. RSVP required.
Ashley is the Trout Unlimited Project Manager for the Upper Yellowstone and Shields watersheds. She has over a decade of experience working on native and wild trout research and restoration projects. Her work has focused on legacy impacts to current in-stream habitat, drivers of habitat change, fish passage through intentional or unintentional barriers, and in-stream habitat improvement. Ashley lives in Bozeman, Montana with her husband and their big, sweet dog.
Join us to learn more and ask Ashley all about this exciting work. Our meeting place is the Passage Creek Trailhead, which is located up the Mill Creek Road, about 20 miles from the Paradise Valley, via a good gravel road. Allow at least 45 minutes to reach the Trailhead from Highway 89. Come prepared for a typical day hike without any shade. This should include: hat, sunscreen, rain gear, solid footwear, lunch, water, bear spray, etc. Good conditions permitting, Ashley advises to bring your fly rod for post-hike recreation.
The hike will follow Passage Creek to Passage Creek Falls. This hike will parallel the creek and has a good destination, the waterfall. It’s about a five mile round trip. The educational content will be stream and fish focused – we’ll discuss native trout (Yellowstone cutthroat) and the impacts from non-native brook trout, stream morphology and the role of fire and wood in the stream, and we can talk about impacts from the 2022 flood.
Naturalist Hike with Garry Edson, Suce Creek Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness
POSTPONED – Stay tuned for an updated date!
The Suce Creek trail offers a variety of vegetative habitats and interesting geology as it follows a major fault along the west side of the Canyon Mountain Anticline (the east-west mountain ridge south of Livingston). The trail follows Lost Creek for a couple miles and then climbs up to the westridge of Livingston Peak where it offers a splendid view of Paradise Valley. Wildlife including bear, deer, elk, coyote and other species are common.
The trail is a loop hike of 6.1 miles and considered an easy to moderate level of difficulty. It takes about 3½ to 4 hours at a moderate pace. Come prepared for a typical day hike: solid footwear, rain gear, water, lunch and snacks and bear spray.
How you can Volunteer: We know that many of you have expertise in diverse fields: geology, botany, history etc. If you would like to help the ABWF lead a hike or webinar, we’d love to involve you! Contact us: [email protected].
We’ll continue to roll out new hikes and opportunities throughout the spring, summer and fall seasons.