Meatrack Meadows
Meatrack Meadows #23 - Brushing and Weed Control
Jul 6, 2023 – Jul 11, 2023
Title: Meatrack Meadows Trails #23, #24
District: Yellowstone Ranger District
Dates: Thursday July 6 - Tuesday July 11
Spots Available: 0/9 (group registration pending, accepting waitlist)
Close to: Big Timber, Livingston, Columbus
Description: Leaving from the Main Boulder River up Meatrack Creek, we will hike 5 miles to our basecamp in beautiful Meatrack Meadows. Our worksites will be close by. The trails in this area are used by outfitters and hikers alike, and connect the Main Boulder River to Mill Creek and Paradise Valley. In Meatrack Meadows, there is an isolated meadow of invasive Houndstongue that, if removed, could prevent further spread to the other meadows.
Work: This project will be a combination of pulling Houndstongue and other trailwork tasks like grading, clearing, and brushing.
Difficulty: Moderately Strenuous: This is a backcountry-based project with a 5 mile approach. While weed pulling can be on the less strenuous side for some, the trail work we will be doing will be a bit more physically demanding.
Meeting time & location: 8:00 a.m. at The Fort Gas Station and Store Parking Lot
Unfortunately, you cannot sign up for this project (anymore).