Trailhead InventorY
Wilderness Portals
In 2025, we are launching an ambitious inventory project with the aim of cataloging every trailhead from which there is a trail that leads into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. These range from the most popular and accessible like Pine Creek to the overlooked and obscure ones like “The Golf Course.”
We like to think of these trailheads as “wilderness portals,” because it is through them that you can access all the wonders of the AB. During our inventories, we are collecting information about things like the amount of space at each trailhead, what amenities are available (or not), the condition of any signage, and the distance from the trailhead to the wilderness boundary. This information is designed to help the user better know what to expect at each trailhead, and help you plan your next adventure into the AB and inspire you to check out that trail less-traveled.
CHeck out our BLog or Interactive Map for updated Inventories. if you want to become a trailhead inventory volunteer, reach out.